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Roles and responsibilities


Here we have compiled information about the requirements of the ITS Directive and the regulations on the Member State, government, public organizations and private industry.
Here we have compiled information about the requirements of government, public organizations and private industry based on the ITS directive. For detailed information, see the EU website.
A proposal for a national regulation that delivers the responsibility of the Member State to national authorities has been developed and is expected to be decided by the beginning of 2016. The responsibilities described below for the Transport Agency and the Swedish Transport Administration are based on that proposal.

The Transport Agency is responsible for:
• formulate national regulation
• review compliance with the regulation
• randomly check the accuracy of the data provided by the data provider
• report how the directive is complied with in Sweden

The Swedish Transport Administration is responsible for:
• designate those parts of the road network where conditions require the introduction of regulated services
• Provide a National Service, NAP (Nationell access point), where all data providers provide metadata describing the contents of the data they deliver
• Inform about the service, what it contains and how it works.

You who deliver data are responsible for that
• Provide the data that the provisions cover
• Deliver data in standard format
• Provide the National Service with metadata and paths to data, and update them
• At the Transport Board's request, provide documentation that explains how the provisions are complied with.

For more detailed information
• For detailed information, see the EU website

In Swedish