Here, those who collect and deliver data will find information on how to publish metadata.
To publish metadata, you first need to create a user account. You do this by filling in the form found under the button Register (see the top right above the menu bar).
Once you have created a user account, you can choose between creating a new or to join an existing organization.
Create new or join existing organization
Select Dashboard. You find the symbol
to the right above the menu bar. You can choose between creating a new or to join an existing organisation. To create a new organisation, click on the link Request to create one now and complete the form according to the instruction. The Swedish Transport Administration confirms via email when the organisation is created and you will be able to start publishing metadata. The Swedish Transport Administration normally performs this within two business days.
Should you publish metadata for an organisation that is already registered in the portal, the administrator for the current organisation needs to approve your request and give you access to the organisation. Click on the link Request to join one now and select the organisation you wish to connect to. The administrator of the organisation confirms when the request is managed.
Publish metadata
Select Datasets. Click on Add Dataset and fill out the form for metadata description according to the instruction.
If you have any questions about how to fill out the form, please send your question to our support function,
Update metadata
Remember that it is you, the organisation supplying the data, who is responsible for making sure that the quality of the data you supply corresponds to what you have declared in your metadata specification. In order to maintain a high quality of data, we request you to immediately adjust any changes. You do this by updating the form.
Standardised format for data
European Union-wide information services require that data is supplied in a standardised format. According to the provisions, all data shall therefore be supplied in the format Datex II or in a compatible format.
Information on the standard Datex II can be found at: Real time-traffic-information/Trafikverket